Church Notes: The Secrets of Unending Success (Pastor E.A Adeboye)

Dear Reader,

I woke up today amazingly early to prepare for service and read my bible through (this refers to studying the bible through one-year by apportioning daily scriptures for consistent bible study), I set out to completing 2nd Corinthians and was refreshed doing so. Being at home, I attend two online services, my parent’s church and mine. This I do because of honor and the fact that I get blessed and stay in God’s presence for a longer period. My mum makes it compulsory to watch RCCG service either before or after watching Rhemaword’s service.   

Today’s summary is from Pastor E.A. Adeboye’s teaching, which he intimated us on “The Secrets of Unending Success” with amazing and relatable bible references. The bible reading was from Isaiah 42:1 and Mark 16:15-20. To bring this home, everyone who is succeeding in Nigeria when asked always hides under the guise of God’s grace and never really tells people what effort they put in. Daddy Adeboye jested with this and made an ubiquitous reference to Jesus’ success. He cited Jesus success at birth (Luke 2:8-14), at 12 years old whilst sharing deep insights with the Doctors of the law (Luke 2:42-47), at the beginning of his ministry (Mark1:23-34) and the fact that Jesus finished well (John 17:1-5).

Furthermore, even Jesus while on earth spoke in parables. At the last supper, he spoke in codes about his betrayal in John 13:21-27. I am sure we are familiar with the viral skit on Twitter that has all disciples asking, “Is it me Jesus?” in funny tones. Yes, this is the story! The disciples wanted to know who will betray Jesus and sent Jesus’ closet disciple, John the beloved. He coded it and told John that whomever he gives bread dipped in stew would – he gave Judas Iscariot. Still, the disciples were not aware of what was going on.

In summary, the SECRET OF ALL-ROUND SUCCESS is SOUL WINNING! Believers are to preach the gospel and tell the world of God’s love, the birth, death, burial and ascension of Jesus. Mark 16:15-20 & I Corinthians 15:3-4. In addition, Seven benefits are outlined to be benefits, if we are committed to soul winning as believers. They include:
  1. ALL YOUR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED – reference was made to God giving a clean slate to Moses to ask for “anything” and he will do it. This is very powerful as Moses asked to see God in Exodus 33:17-23, 34:30-35, God showed him a glimpse and whenever Israel were to inquire of God from him, he had to be veiled up! Same scenario with Elijah and Elisha in I Kings 18:36-39, Elijah asked for Fire from heaven, Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s power in II Kings 2:9-15, amazing! They got answers to all they asked, albeit difficult asks because they were sold out to bringing salvation to Israel and soul winning.
  2. You will enjoy CONSTANT DIVINE TOUCH – reference was made to John 15:1-2, “pruning” here refers to God’s touch on you being regular as in agriculture; the fruits will be harvested, trimmed and nurtured. Divine touch gives you supernatural strength to reach your goals faster and outrun your enemy like Elijah in I Kings 18:46. Other perquisites includes, healing (Mark 1:40-45) and hearing from God regularly (II Kings 3:9-19).
  3. You will enjoy UNLIMITED MIRACULOUS SUPPLIES – reference was made to the multiplication of 5 loaves and 2 fish to leave a remnant of 12 baskets (John 6: 5-13), multiplication of fish for Peter (Luke 5:1-11) and provision for the payment of taxes (Matthew 17:24-27). This is God simply saying the breakthrough you are asking him for is available in fishing for souls.
  4. You will enjoy DIVINE IMMUNITY – no need to worry about attacks, demons and poisonous food as God’s cover will be over his own. See Mark 16:17-18, Acts 28:1-6, I Corinthians 9:16 and Isaiah 54:14-17, as a soul winner, God prioritizes your safety.
  5. You will enjoy DIVINE PARTNERSHIP – how can God be your partner and you will not succeed? Its impossible! Soul winners have the backing of the Almighty! Exodus 3:1-15, Joshua 1:1-8, I Samuel 17:34-37, Acts 10:38. Witnessing in summary is sharing your testimonies with others!
  6. You will enjoy DIVINE EXCELLENCE – you will find yourself excelling ahead of your peers. This was seen when Peter preached after Pentecost and after healing the lame man in Acts 2:14-41, 5:12-16, 3: 12-26, even among the deacons, Phillip and Stephen stood out from the 7 as they were soul winners and preachers. Acts 6:1-7, 7: 1 –end, 8:5-8.
  7. You will LIVE LONG when you win souls – Luke 13: 6-9, Matthew 3:10 talks about the repercussion of keeping God’s love and testimonies to yourself and not blessing others. This is our lifestyle as believers and should not shy away from preaching God’s love – the gospel.

Let’s be wise and keep winning souls!

Every one of us can be preaching love! We aren’t the war, the fight or the Indabosky Bahose! J Matthew 7:24-27.

Stay Blessed.


  1. We are preachers of loveπŸ˜‚

    1. Haha! Philip, you know right! So please witness this week. 😊

  2. Nice read! “I’m a man of preacher of love” ... I’m not war, for the weapons of my warfare aren’t carnal; I’m not fight COs fight is of the Lord, I’m not indaboski bahose.

    1. This is APT, Abimbola! It is also a wake-up call to witness and keep the fire burning.
      Hehehe, as in e, let God handle the war abeg. Deuteronomy 32:35.😊

  3. I choose to be wise.
    Proverbs 11:30

    1. I trust you to keep to the advice in Ephesians 5:15 and witness at every opportunity you have. πŸ’œ

  4. I am love, I am the witness, I am a Preacher πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡

    1. You are Love, same same as God is! Haha, love this preacher & witness boo. πŸŒΈπŸ’œ


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