Vices: Say No To Rape

The winding out of the month of May for me was overwhelming. Not just personally but in the world at large. Imagine planning things to do and then the Holy Spirit says to trust him and chill. Yes, that has been my ordeal. Paramount to that has been my prayers for every victim of rape, racism and any other vices, especially those who have lost their lives, been subdued, watched the culprit roam free, forgiven and have being bold to tell their stories to encourage others. I for one had to ruminate on my near-experiences with rape as a child, teenager and a youth, which I had been helped by someone older or found my way out of just in time for an escape.

Filtering through social media this past week has enlightened me on some of the root causes of vices, especially how we can help others out in our little ways. Growing up, there had been records of boys “tapping current” from girls by hitting their butts, which would be followed with either a warning, tears or a resounding slap, from bold girls. This made me ponder on the subtlety of cultural influences around us. Most times, boys are not brought up to be refused, security conscious or even do things themselves; while is the complete opposite for girls. Hence, change begins from our homes (raising godly children equally, no double standards for boys or girls), the aftermath of which will change the society and ultimately change the world. This is applicable to racism as NO child is born racist until subtly parents or peers influence them to rate people based on the color of their skin.

Apart from the nuclear change per family upbringing, there are other ways we can help is to lend our voices to causes that are steered towards helping victims. They include volunteering, counselling, educating people around us, reporting cases to the Police (and pray they respond), using social media effectively, reporting any suspicious case around you, donating to the bereaved families (for rehabilitation and hospital bills) and helping in other way God has laid in your hearts to.

Most importantly, don’t be silent, PRAY for them always! Speak up! Join the online or on ground movements. Your silence in itself is violence.
Per research, I have collated the following legitimate links for volunteering, donating and the social media hash tags for your use. Feel free to add more in the comment section and I’ll update the post.
Stay Safe and Vigilant! 

Aramide ðŸ–¤


  1. It is really shocking... These past few days opened a lot of wounds in the world

    1. Not that shocking TBH, but I trust God to heal all wounds globally, keep us safe and give us inner peace.


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