Financial Literacy: A simplified approach - Part I
Hi guys, Longgggggggggggggggggg time no see, as Nigerians say. I have been working, trust me. July was delivery-heavy for me at work and some finance gigs I had been called to facilitate. One of this was the Dynamic Youth Fellowship (DYF) seminar for a work colleague’s church. This was to enlighten the DYF youth church on savings culture, investment buckets, risk appetite, understanding and applying basic financial skills. Hence, I settled for the theme – “Financial Literacy – A simplified approach” as summarized below. Financial literacy is the ability to understand and properly apply financial management skills, which include financial planning, properly managing debt, accurately calculating interest, and understanding the time value of money are characteristics of being financially literate. Furthermore, I also took them through some components of financial literacy, which includes budgeting, understanding interest rates, pri...