The Past, The Present and The Purpose.
It's a new year again! And as usual the resolutions are coming in from different people on how they would be better people. The actual fact is many people wont pull through fulfilling up to 30% of what they set out to do. In actual fact, we can all outdo our goals, resolutions and targets even before the end of the year. How? By not allowing the "little foxes" spoil the vine. The excitement of a fresh start gives people a lot of "ginger" to set high and at times far fetched goals... not that i am a pessimist, but, the goals set must be SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. 2018 started on a Monday, a tweep said its a fres start and clean slate to get your acts together. My candid advice is to go through 2017 in retrospect and work on our weaknesses and potential strengths while honing our strengths and utilizing the opportunities we have to the maximum point! Don't forget to keep GOD at the center of everything you do...